Looking for dementia support services?

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Looking for dementia support services?

Because dementia is more common in older people than cancer, heart disease, or stroke, there are lots of tools and resources to help make life easier for everyone involved.

Admiral Nurses 

For free advice on dementia care, turn to Admiral Nurses. These registered nurses have specialised training and at least two years of experience working with dementia patients and their families. They provide expert advice on understanding the progression of dementia, managing symptoms, and supporting loved ones.

You can book a free 45-minute virtual meeting or use their year-round telephone helpline. While they don’t provide hands-on care, they help families develop the skills to live well with dementia. They also offer home visits in some areas with a GP referral. 

Learn more about the telephone helpline → 

Book a free virtual meeting → 

The Herbert Protocol 

In case a loved one with dementia goes missing, the Herbert Protocol helps police search faster. It’s a simple form that includes emergency contacts, medications, and places they’ve wandered before. Fill it out early so you have the details ready when needed.  

Read the full guidance and download the form->

Day Clubs and Social Groups 

Day clubs offer specialised activities in a safe setting for people with dementia. They’re also a great way for caregivers to take a break. Activities include gardening, arts and crafts, quizzes, gentle exercise, and more. Most clubs charge a fee, so try these routes to find one near you:

1. Check with Adult Social Services at your local council. Find your local council ->

2. Use the Alzheimer's Society's Find Local Support tool -> 

3. Contact your local Age UK office. Find your local branch->

Adapting the Home 

As dementia progresses, everyday tasks can become challenging. Occupational therapists can help by suggesting home adaptations. Find a qualified therapist here.

VAT Exemptions  

People with dementia qualify for VAT exemptions on products and home adaptations designed for personal use, such as stairlifts, adjustable beds, and ramps.

Learn more about VAT exemptions → 

Helpful Products

Dementia Care Products is an online store offering assistive tools to make daily living easier. IKEA also has a digital guide on adapting their products to create a dementia-friendly home.  

Visit Dementia Care Products ->

Read IKEA Hackcare → 

Touchscreen Apps  

AcTo Dementia provides expert reviews of touchscreen games designed for people with dementia. Explore the website for free, impartial recommendations, and discover apps that offer engaging mental stimulation - download and enjoy!

Visit AcTo Dementia → 

Support for Parkinson’s Disease  

Parkinson’s UK offers specialist information, support groups, and resources for those affected by Parkinson’s disease.  

Find local support groups → 

Dementia-Friendly Holidays

Specialist travel companies provide holiday packages designed specifically for people living with dementia and their families, ensuring a stress-free and enjoyable experience for everyone.

Dementia Adventure ->

Limitless Travel → 

Must-know benefits:

Council tax reductions, the Attendance Allowance and NHS Continuing Healthcare.
Learn more

Further resources

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