Once you turn 70, the law requires you to renew your driving licence if you wish to continue driving. After that, you'll need to renew it every three years—but don’t worry, it's free of charge. The DVLA will send you a D46P renewal form 90 days before your 70th birthday. If you don't receive the form, you can contact the DVLA at 0300 790 6801 or pick one up from your local post office.
It's also important to notify the DVLA if you develop any medical conditions that could affect your driving. Failing to do so could result in a fine of up to £1,000, and you could face prosecution if you're involved in an accident.
Conditions you must report
- Dementia
- Diabetes (if treated with insulin)
- Parkinson's disease
- Epilepsy
- Chronic neurological conditions like multiple sclerosis
- Vision impairment in both eyes, or total sight loss in one eye
You must stop driving if your doctor advises you to stop for three months or more, or if your condition means you no longer meet the legal driving standards.
See the full list of medical conditions that might impact your driving:
Checking competency
If you're feeling unsure about your driving abilities or want peace of mind for you and your family, consider a Mature Driver’s Review. This is not a pass-or-fail test, but a friendly, unbiased assessment of your current driving skills.